In this Nokia Developer video, Arthur Surya from KapanLagi talks about their experience developing Series 40 Web Apps, using the new Nokia W...
Poken: NFC Technology using Nokia's Qt SDK
Stephane Doutriaux, founder and CEO, and Scott Tavelli, software engineering project manager, at Poken talk about the NFC enabled Poken appl...
Portrait Swype keyboard update on Symbian for Nokia Astound
The T-Mobile Nokia Astound got an update today with the addition of Swype keyboard in portrait mode. This is currently the only Symbian^3 ph...
Nokia Indoor Navigation
Nokia Research Center has developed Indoor Navigator to provide precise indoor location information on a handset, without needing GPS.
Mobile Number Locator for Java
Mobile Number Locator traces the information about any mobile number code like Service Provider, State, or Reference City. It is useful for ...
YouTube Mobile Downloader for Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile Downloader: Download movie files from YouTube on your Windows Mobile Device with our downloader. It's key features: It...
Advanced Task Killer Free for Android
Just because Android apps have no "close" button doesn't mean they shut down when you return to the home page or move on to an...
Skype for Windows Mobile
Skype for Pocket PC is free and simple software that enables you to make free calls anywhere in the world with your handheld. Created by the...
Flash Player Mobile for Windows Mobile
Flash Player Mobile enables you to play Flash Movies in your Pocket PC device outside both in full screen mode and in landscape mode. Lands...
iSkoot for Skype (BlackBerry)
With iSkoot for Skype, you can make & receive Skype calls, chat, and use SkypeOut to call regular numbers anywhere in the world. And wit...
Opera Mobile for Symbian
Opera Mini 4 delivers a fast, impressively advanced user-friendly experience with this upgrade to its mobile phone browser. Keypad hot keys ...
BlackBerry App World Browse and download applications on your BlackBerry device.
RIM's BlackBerry App World isn't the only way to get mobile applications onto your BlackBerry smartphone, but it's one of the ...
Opera Mini for Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Symbian, Java, and Android
Opera strikes out in a new direction with Opera Mini 5 beta, a rewritten version of its mobile browser for Java phones, like Sony Ericsso...
Flash Player for Android
The "Download Now" link directs you to the product page. You can download the application in the Android Market from your Androi...